
Let's get-together with Classmates!
September 2017
Geri (Alfinito) Bishop and Kathy (Hyde)
Israel had lunch to talk about what was new since the last time they got together. |
Cherie (Day) Newland, Geri (Alfinito) Bishop, Kathy (Hyde) Israel and Lynda (Faulkner) Smith -
This group ventured out for lunch at the Crow's Nest in Santa Cruz two weeks after the reunion. It was fun getting to know each other a little bit better. |
Summer 2017
Lee and Karen Ward with Dave and Linda Buck celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary in Hawaii. Lucky couples! |
July 2016

July 2016

I had Lunch with a very special and dear friend, Becky Barberi (my dancing sister.) We dined in in the small town of San Juan Bautista at the El Jardine restaurant in the garden. We had a great time visiting, it’s always fun being with friends.
John Yontz ran into John Sweeney at a golf tournament in Monterey. Yontz said, "John is an excellent golfer and he plays with hickory shafted clubs that are older than we are." |
December 2015
Celebrating the holidays with good friends!
I was fortunate to have Shelley Hancock come to my home to stay for a few days for a party. We then flew back to Glendora in Southern California to share some time together and visit friends.

Shelley Hancock
Shelley and I were treated to a lovely dinner with Fred Nooteboom and Sherrie (Patton) Nooteboom at the Crows Nest in Santa Cruz.

L to R: Fred & Sherrie Nooteboom, Shelley Hancock and me.
Sherrie (Patton) Nooteboom and Shelley Hancock outside of the Crows Nest. All of the boats in the harbor were decorated with Christmas lights; what a beautiful sight to see. Thanks Freddie!
L to R: Sherrie Nooteboom, Shelley Hancock |
Shelley and I hopped in the car to drive to San Bernardino, California to visit dear friends Joe & Diane Falcone, where they were staying at the time. We had a great visit and a great lunch at a restaurant called BJ's. Everything was yummy, the food, but especially the company. Thanks you for lunch Joe and Diane, love you guys!

L to R: Shelley Hancock, me, Joe and Diane Falcone
I even managed to squeeze in one more dinner before the New Year. I got together with these lovely couples, Joe and Linda Cefalu and Sherrie & Fred Nooteboom. It was good to catch up with them again. Too much times passes between visits and get togther's with friends.
Yes, Ms. Sherrie was here, she was up taking her own photos.
L to R: Linda Cefalu, Fred Nooteboom, Joe Cefalu and
not pictured,
Sherrie Nooteboom.
Happy 2016 to you all!
August 2014
Jim, Fred, Joe and I fished our heads off all week in the Klamath River. We sent the boys home with sore arms from catching large steelhead and salmon. I don't know how Jim could swing a golf club after fly fishing with us.
It appears a steelhead in the middle of the river wanted to be in the photo too.
Fred, Jim, Diane, Joe, Sharon and I had a memorial dinner for Sparky at my home on Wednesday evening. He was a good friend during our high school days. |

L to R: Jim Carter, Craig Bradford, Joe Falcone, Fred Nooteboom behind the camera.

Karen Cyris and Marty Linane
July 2014
Marty Linane and wife Dianne visiting Karen (Chiramonte) Cyris and husband Casey who spent the day together. Casey took them on a tour of the Coos Bay, Oregon area including the Salmon Fish Hatchery. Great day and great visit.
The picture was taken in Shore Acres in Charleston.

Website designed and created by Lynda Smith © 2017
