Shelley Hancock

I graduated from San Jose State with a BA in Communications. While working toward an MA I met an art student, Tom Lynn, and suddenly plans changed and we were off on a new adventure that led us to British Columbia, Canada, where I still live. We built a log house on our 60 acres of bush land, raised our son and daughter and led a very rural, back-to-the-land lifestyle. At various times we had chickens, a cow, goats, 2 pigs, ducks, rabbits, dogs and cats. We grew a big garden in summer and cut lots of firewood for winter. Life was simple and fun. Tom tree planted in those days and I taught day care and worked on a few community development projects.
As our children grew, we both went to work for Selkirk College, Tom as an art instructor in metal casting and I ran the adult education program. I had a serious car wreck in 1988 and was unable to continue working. Once strong enough, I worked for Kutenai Art Therapy Institute. My husband also built and operated Valley Art Foundry, doing commissioned art work for cities, and selling his sculptures through galleries.
We traveled in Europe, Mexico, Hawaii, and Alaska and back and forth between our families in CA. and WA. We have been close with our children, and they both lead active, involved lives.
Tom died of cancer in 2008 and my life centers around my home on 4 acres, gardening, caring for mom who lives in WA., enjoying my children and friends. I have been spending winters in CA. My life has been rich and varied, happy and sad. Full and fulfilling.