Sharon (Janes) Lueck |
The CHS class of 1962 shares the gift of having been kids who grew up in what I often refer to as the perfect place and time in history. This season we also share the gift of reaching this age, and being able to reflect on the amazing lives we’ve led. Here you will find a few of my life’s greatest gifts Post CHS, I went directly to San Jose State, but after a couple of years my itchy feet took me off to bum around Europe for a year...a real coming of age experience! Thanks to those itchy travel feet, upon my return to the US, I went to work as a stewardess for United Airlines, flying until I got married. .
New York City became our first home. It was a great place to live back then and we took full advantage of it but knew we didn’t want to raise a family in the Big Apple. It was back to Campbell, where we stayed for 20 years before moving to Vancouver, WA, where we have remained for 30 years! Ever think it would be fun to win the lottery? In a way, I did! Working in an exciting position as sales operations manager for several high-tech companies in San Jose, I knew I could not keep up the 50-60 hour per week pace forever. Then I learned I’d automatically been included in a class action suit regarding the grounding of stewardesses back in the 60’s (upon marriage, they congratulated the men and grounded the ladies!) As a result, I returned to flying in 1987, with all benefits (including vested retirement) based on a 1964 hire date. I was a flight attendant for another 16 years, taking myself and my family to see the sights all over the world. And oh...flying was civilized then! Yep. I won the lottery because I was in the right place at the right time. I finally had time to do canine agility with my “favorite child” (according to my children,) my beautiful Australian Shepherd, Rokee. Fred and I also have our own version of March Madness as, for six weeks, we travel Oregon and Washington to judge the First Robotics events.
Ah family...the best part of this life adventure. Three wonderful children. Our eldest has his own business in corporate IT compliance and security. To be honest, I have no idea what he actually does but I sure am proud of him for doing it, as he’s in high demand! His son is following in the same footsteps, taking his degree in computer systems security. We are very au courant, with our second son, his wife, and their two energetic sons (3rd and 5th grade) living here, multi-generational style. Our DIL (daughter-in-law) is ill and since we never downsized (5 bedrooms, 3 baths on acreage) we have plenty of space for us all. Our son has his own business in entertainment rigging design and fall protection. Takes my breath away to see him atop the SeaHawks stadium! Our youngest is our adventuress, who has a master’s degree in environmental education, and moved to Alaska. She has led me on adventures I would never have imagined. Week long, white water rafting trips (class 5’ers! She’s a pro guide.), cross country skiing, living in a dry cabin, Kayaking, dog sledding, and helping her and her husband build a beautiful home on the Turnagain Arm. Working for a foundation, she heads Outdoor Youth Involvement and Outdoor education. I visit several times a year and have learned my way around a shotgun for the bears who are after their bees and chickens! (Rubber shot will scare bears away.) Surprisingly I also find myself with an almost full-time job as part owner of a business started in 2016. Now known as the premiere Christmas visit company in the country, we make Christmas magic by creating treasured memories via live, personalized, interactive video visits with Santa. The look on kid’s faces when Santa “knows” the name of their dog, what they want for Christmas, or even where they are going to be for Christmas, is such a delight! We designed our own platform, running on private servers, and a shareable keepsake video is included in the visit. Parents write that they sit down and watch the visits from year to year now, as a new Christmas tradition. I am the “Santa Wrangler,” reviewing applications, interviewing, and hiring (only the best) Santas.
When doing advance work for one of our videos, the producer spotted our 11 year old grandson, Gibson, (above) and asked if he’d had any acting experience. “No….” The guy wanted to screen test him for a role as an elf anyway and in the end Gibson was a hit. Gibson now has a professional acting resume! Fred and I celebrated our 55th wedding anniversary this last August. I threaten to write a book about our adventures together, with its title being “But It Was Never Boring!” I have had such an amazing life partner who not only loved me but who always encouraged me to reach beyond what I ever thought I could do. Without question, he has been my life’s greatest gift.
Please do take some quiet time this season to reflect on your own life’s gifts, for they are the most precious gifts you will ever receive. Season’s best to you all. Sharon (Janes) Lueck