Ray Saavedra

Update: July 2017
I went to a ships reunion for the USS Coral Sea last year in San Diego. Then I went to visit friends in Arizona. Never again, it's too hot. I also traveled up to Oregon, a lot of rain! I'm loving my Redwoods, Paradise!! I'm loving retired life to the Max and really enjoy where I live immensely!!
Once I graduated from high school, I partied at SJCC for a year and a half. After the party I joined the Navy and got to work on a Catapult crew aboard an aircraft carrier, CVA 43, for three years. Once I left the Service and divorced I went to work for FMC building Mortar shells. From there I installed phones, worked at the Ore House as a bouncer. I also bartended for a year, did carpet installing for fourteen years and ended up a salesman for twenty years. I retired last year and am loving life.
I took time out from work to go back to school and got a couple of AA's and made the Dean's Honor List. What a shock! I also had twin boys who gave me five beautiful grandchildren. Life is wonderful and I look forward to this class reunion.