Paul Morey

Paul Morey as Elvis singing to wife Helen
I graduated from SJSU with an MBA in 1969. In 1964, I met Helen at a TGIF party at Theta Xi, and we were married in the summer of 66. My two daughters,
Julie and Kristen, are unique and interesting people, now in their mid 30s. We have no grandchildren, but an adorable Jack Russell.
I was fascinated by computers, and worked in the computer services field for 13 years following college, last as VP of marketing for a small technology company. That job took us to New Jersey for 5 delightful years, where we had a lake view home in a country club community (the glory years). Tired of being stressed out,
and thinking that I would be better off as my own boss, we returned to Concord CA, where I started a private practice as an investment advisor. Having now worked for the worst boss imaginable for 29 years, I question the wisdom of self employment. I have tried to retire twice, but failed miserably both times. I am committed to try again before I turn 70, but I just acquired 5 rental homes, so maybe I am just changing careers again. Well, I actually have been working part time since 1999, and we travel 6 to 8 weeks a year.
Six years ago we moved to Heritage Park, a new retirement (aka Active Senior) community in Sacramento (that was attempt #2). We love Sacramento, and the hundreds of people we now know here, due to the almost unlimited variety of clubs, activities, and events that we participate in. My primary hobbies are fishing and karaoke. We have been most blessed and fortunate. May God bless each of you. |