Larry Elizondo

Son Errin, Diana, younger son Scott and Larry in the back row
Update: July 2017
We manage to stay very healthy and happy. Traveled to Europe, the east coast and Denver. Celebrated college and high school graduations with our two oldest grandchildren. Celebrated our 50th Anniversary with family and friends on June 24, 2017. We keep busy volunteering, golfing and boy sitting for our youngest grandson.
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I married my Jr. High sweetheart – Diana Runner. We have been married for 45 years. We have two sons and four grandchildren.
I got a BS in Industrial Technology from San Jose State. I worked in the electronics industry for 34 years and have traveled and worked all over the world.
I have been retired for 11 years. I play golf 4 days a week and play 1 day a week (at least) with our 2 year old grandson