Karen (Chiaramonte) Cyris

Update: July 2017
Retired this June, (again) from being a school counselor. This time it is for real as I look forward to spending more time in the garden, having long lunches with my friends and spending time fishing with my husband on our new boat.
Lost my mom in March of 2016. Dad is doing well at 93 and we are going to bring him here to fish in August. Planning on celebrating his 94th birthday in Vegas with the whole family.
After graduating from Campbell High, I stayed in the area for several years before moving to Wasilla, Alaska where I lived for 17 years. While in Alaska I raised my two children, managed Dental Health Month, served on the local School Board and was the youth leader for our church. After a divorce, I moved back to San Jose and followed my original dream. I graduated from San Jose State with a teaching degree and later a Masters in School Counseling. I got remarried to a wonderful man and worked as a high school health teacher and school counselor for many years.
Casey and I retired and moved to Coos Bay, Or. in 2004. I spend my time gardening and working at the high school part-time. Casey spends his time fishing and working part-time. We enjoy exploring the Oregon Coast with our 10 lb. poodle and our two 100+lb. Rhodesian Ridgebacks who all bring us much love and exercise, as they like to take us on walks. Casey and I have traveled some of the U.S. in our motorhome and my daughter, Rochelle, and I have journeyed to France, Italy and the Bahamas.