Grant Deem

Upon completing my first semester of college I felt I needed a break, so I joined the Navy only to be assigned as it turns out fortunately to two excellent technical schools. My first job out of the service was working in the engineering department at a major electronics corporation. Three years later I switched majors and pursued a business degree full time. It was at this time that I discovered the love of my career, which is start up companies. Joining a company as one of the first 20 employees has afforded me constant challenges through out my career in the operations field. Adding to my enjoyment each start up firm was in a different technology.
During my first start up my wife and I divorced and shortly after that she passed away suddenly and I found myself a single father of two young daughters. I married a wonderful woman and my wife and I were blessed with three children. We just had our fifth and final child finish college. I used to joke that we would be paying for college education and collecting Social Security. Having all five kids obtain degrees is quite a fulfilling reward for us.
Living in Morgan Hill we have some of Campbel,l of years past. Our bike rides are past orchards of Cherry, Apricot and Prune and our walks are through fields and vineyards.
I'm at my seventh start up company presently and preparing to down shift in two years into retirement. I have people comment in regards to the efforts on my part required to do seven start up firms and my comment back is the requirement pales in comparison to the efforts of my wife as a stay at home mother raising our five children. I have learned to balance the fast pace and rapid growth of start ups with my hobby of gardening.
Tending to my vegetable gardens and fruit trees gives me a great relaxation. We are also a camping family and after many years of tent camping we now do our camping in our version of a luxurious RV called a tent trailer.
In closing I want to extend a special note of appreciation to the reunion committee. Without their foresight and enthusiastic efforts this reunion would not be the event we are looking forward to.