Edie "Edith" (Fowler) McLachlan

After high school, I attended San Jose City College, Cabrillo College and then graduated from San Jose State University with a BA in Behavioral Science. I worked for 14 years for Catholic Charities as Director of a Senior Center in San Jose. Moved to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho where I worked as Executive Director of the Red Cross for 2 years, served as PTA president for 5 years at my youngest son's elementary school, then was elected School Board Trustee in 1996 in the Coeur d'Alene School District (served for 14 years- the last 4 as board chair). I also served for 3 years on the Idaho State Professional Standards Commission; all while working in Real Estate Sales. I have traveled to Europe, Eastern Europe, Great Britain, Scotland, Russia, Mexico and China.
My husband, Dan and I lived in Genesee, Idaho; just south of Moscow, Idaho for 10 years. We loved the small town and the Palouse. Dan, a retired professor and author, was still writing when we were not in the mountains hiking and backpacking. I served on the Genesee City Council for 6 years while also serving as the Water and Sewer Commissioner until Dan died in February 2020. I moved to Manhattan Beach, in Southern California to be closer to my sons.
I have three sons, one granddaughter and one great granddaughter. My sons, Christopher Whitemyer who has worked for many years in the music industry, James Whitemyer, Lawyer, Joe Brooks who has recently moved to Portugal and one stepson Peter McLachlan, a retired Astrophysicist.