Cherie (Day) Newland

Updated: August 2017
To my great dismay, Joe passed away in March 2013. We enjoyed 50 years of marriage and have one son with whom I am currently working in the business Joe left us.
I finished my Ph.D. in Psychology, worked a private practice and taught communication skills as well as advanced techniques in Transpersonal Psychology. My work focuses on using Cognitive Therapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming as a neuro-semantic-system of processing to create beneficial and lasting changes.
I occasionally mentor individuals and groups. Additionally, I return to my ministerial roll as guest minister in a small church in Gilroy.
I don't see retirement in my future, at this time... Call me, Let's get together
I married my high school love, Joe Newland (class of ’61). We celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary this past July and have one son, Jon, age 44… no grandchildren yet but a mother can hope. I owe my successes largely to Joe’s success since through it I was able to continue my education and interests.
I have always taught in some field, Cosmetology to Ministry and Pastoral Counseling to Clinical Psychology (currently mentoring) and now considering Copy Editing. To some this might sound like a strange line-up, yet they all have two things in common… helping people and sharing my learning and talent.
Joe continues to work with our son. As for me, I still have a few seminars in me…or possibly finish that book sitting in my computer… or perhaps...
Live life splendidly! It’s not over 'til it’s over. As long as I breathe I will learn and share. After all, my name is Cherie.
Wishing all the spaces between the happiness in your life be heartfelt and filled with wonder.