Here are some comments from our 50 Year Reunion!
A huge THANK YOU to Lynda and the entire “Dream Team” for a wonderful reunion! Your attention to detail was very evident and the two evenings of activities had a relaxed feeling that made the reunion feel very personal. Campbell High School was the perfect venue and returning to the “cafeteria” brought back memories of decorating for the Junior Prom in 1961!! All in all this was a beautifully planned and executed event that we will remember for a very long time (we hope)!! Let’s not wait too long to do it again. We’ll be happy to help with the next one. -- Larry and Diana (Runner) Elizondo
You've done a wonderful job with the web site and reunion photos. I didn't attend because I hadn't stayed in touch with anyone except Jack Van Sambeek, and didn't think there were others I'd like to see again. After seeing the pictues, I realize there were a number of folks I would have enjoyed seeing and talking with again. I'm sorry I missed the opportunity. -- Darrell Dearborn
Lynda and the '62 reunion committee. What a fantastic job you all have done in organizing our 50th reunion. Your enthusiasm and many hours of work are much appreciated. It was great to see everyone. Enjoyed the walk down memory lane, seemed like yesterday................Thank you, Thank you.!!!!
"Hail Campbell High Forever". -- Kathy Hyde Israel
It was exhilarating for me to attend the reunion. Thank you to the reunion committee (Lynda, Shelley, Fred, Ray and Joe) for all your work in making the reunion a reality, and thank you to all of our classmates who attended. After spending my career and thus far into my retirement mostly in Texas, and sometimes in the Midwest, it was wonderful to visit with old high school friends who now live all over California, as well as in Canada, Wyoming, Colorado, Oregon and elsewhere. While I remember people best from our time together at Campbell High (especially in our high school classes, in the band, and in the speech/debate team), many were also part of my life long before I got to high school--neighborhood playmates; people with whom I attended Sunday School, kindergarten, elementary school and/or grammar school (aka, junior high school); people who participated with me in Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, and so much more. Even though I get back to California about once a year, previous to the reunion, I had only been in regular contact with a few former classmates. I am so glad you all attended this event and I am so glad that I attended. High school is not always a universally happy experience, but for me it is a very positive memory. As the attached photo shows, my sister-in-law (Joan Floyd, Campbell High Class of 1957) and I have formed the College Station, TX, chapter of the Campbell Union High School Alumni Association. Our rule is that anytime we are both wearing the CUHS baseball caps from the Class of '62 50-Year Reunion, it is an official meeting of our chapter! Best wishes to all my classmates from Campbell High. -- Kurt Ritter

Kurt Ritter (Campbell High Class of '62) and Joan Floyd (Campbell High Class of '57) hold the first meeting of the College Station, TX, Chapter of the Campbell High Alumni Association
Thanks so much for putting this together. And what a great job you
did! Interesting setting, talented photographers, fun activities, good company. What's not to like?
Anne Ageson
I loved the reunion. You all did a wonderful job! Friday night was fun but Saturday was the greatest!!! Even my husband, Derrell, had fun.
Lynda, would you list your fellow committee members again? I haven't been on the web. I would appreciate the correct Web address when you have the time.
Again, thank you very much for a wonderful 50th reunion. -- Sandra (Sandy Woods) Nelson
Being on the Reunion Committee I cannot be objective, but I can be who I am and share my experience.
I had a blast! With it all. Over many months.
It's fun to be on a committee and get to know people in this "work" related environment. Our little committee of 5 worked hard and for was quite wonderful. I encourage you all. If you have a vision...go for it. We did. Joe and Ray are intent on doing what is offered them and did it well. Watch out for Ray.....he can find you. It was a relatively democratic group, with a strong leader , eh, Lynda? We worked up "until".
Even setting up on the old campus was fun. Lynda enlisted some of her friends, the fabulous Jean and Evelyn and the committee and wham...there it was. Craig Bradford came and took photos and hung with us. Special. Sherrie was right on spot with her job and Fred is a "perfect" host. More than a host, a good worker and man.
What does it mean after all these years? To me, it was educational and lots of fun. I had to look at people's name tags and then....there they were. Isn't that amazing? The face comes into focus and the personality, the little tics and traits, we are those people. I loved that. Maybe most of all!
I got to eat dinner with my next door neighbor from childhood, Margie and her husband, which was so cool. And next to me was a woman, Kathi Loughlin, who actually lives pretty near me in reality, and she was so wonderful to meet. I got to hug my old boyfriend Joe and visit with his fine life partner, Diane.
I got to do something with my good buddy Lynda and boy did we do it. My respect for her vision and the completion of her vision is immense. She was the perfect spontaneous host. She always was a show person, that night she a star. I admire your nerve and self confidence.....and beyond that, your ability to know how to run a big gig. Congrats my buddy.
Happy Birthday Norman, and I am older than you and didn't get to talk to you, but hey I was busy and we will do it next time. Glad you came. Karen, at my house we had a party phone line....with Rudy Mesa, who was courting Marsha, who he ended up that was a long call. Ron Moore, I am so glad you made the trip over the hill and hope your sail boats got off ok the next day. Jim, thanks for donating books and I will try to get one on Amazon. Carol Sabatini, I can see why you were a cheer leader, as your face is one that makes people happy. I could feel your spirit.....all of you people!
For me, the whole night, the whole weeks experience was wonderful. I wished like many of you, to have touched based with more people, heard their stories. It was fun to see Jack and Cece. I remember all the little high school dramas, socially speaking. And in the end, here we stand, ready to meet and greet each other in friendship and a shared history. Gordon Kubota, your family was so welcoming to us all in high school and you were someone I looked up to, hung out with and enjoyed. I wish we had talked more.
Becky, Lynda and I cleaned up (with many others), went back to Lynda's, had a glass of wine and uploaded and downloaded our feelings for the evening. We were all stoked. It was fun to end the evening with these fine women.
Go for it, --
from BC Canada love, Shelley Hancock
I just wanted to tell you what a great time we had last Saturday. You guys did a wonderful job and I hope there are more reunions. Thank you again and keep in touch. -- Jim Wearanga
Hi. -- We moved to Campbell in 1961. I realized that most of the students have been together since grade school. I made some friends but not like life long friends. Saw some people who I knew. Even strangers would introduce themselves and we would talk a few minutes and they would drift off. Looking back, wished that I had "remet" some people but oh well. Actually Sept. 17 was my 68th birthday and that is a trip in itself!
I could not find my pictures of me on my surfboard, or my (our family's) 1954 station wagon with "SPEED KILLS" on the back, though there is a picture in our yearbook
I did really enjoy the event, wish the name badges had larger type. It was really an interesting reflection to think that here is a group of people going through life together.... We won't be invited to join another 50 year high school reunion! So when is the next reunion?
Love and Bliss --
Norman Hicks
Dear Friend: You never cease to amaze me with your creativity, your ability to conceptualize, organize and “GIT R DONE”. You took this one to a new level of fun, and I want to thank you for inviting me to share!!!! Being able to be with you and Shelly was very special to me, and I will treasure the new memories we made. Shelly is a fun person and I hope we will have the opportunity to do the it again soon/someday. I loved seeing her again-- Becky (Putnam) Barberi .
Thanks to the committee!! My husband and I had a wonderful time. I didn't seem possible that it has been 50 years.
Love to all, -- Sue Larsen
Rich and I had a great time . Thank you and the Committee for al l the hard work.. We never had a picture taken but we,re in the group pic , Is there any way to get one of them…Please let me know --Judy and Rich Boitano
What a great reunion. It was so wonderful to see so many dear friends. Thanks to the committee for all of your time and hard work on behalf of all of us. It really was the best reunion we have ever had and now we have internet and connections to help us all stay in touch. I am back at work, teaching at Marshfield H. S. in Coos Bay, and when I compare who we were in high school and how we communicated and how students interact with cell phones and computers now.... it's amazing to me. Remember the hand written notes stashed in the little slits in our lockers? Or sharing the family phone and being given a 10 min. limit for each call? And yet we met after 50 years and recognized each other by our eyes, because we knew how to really communicate! I look forward to sharing emails when we get the addresses.
--Karen (Chiaramonte) Cyris
I thank all my classmates who came to our 50 year reunion. I feel very lucky to be part of a great group of people and super high school class.
The committee did a wonderful job. Now that they have it down pat, how about a 55 year reunion?
Best to all,
Marty Linane
Thank you for letting me attend! You certainly put a lot of effort into making this a fun time for everyone. The mulitple choice questions were a great way to let us know just what a great group of Bucs we were mingling with.
Again...congratulations on a fantastic event.
Carolyn Crismon Bricmont
graduate of Holy Cross in Mt. View
but Fresh and Soph at Campbell Hi
To the Campbell High Class of 62 Reunion Committee. Thank you for a memorable evening. Speaking to some of our classmates, many were not aware of the Campbell Alumni Luncheons held quarterly at the San Jose Elks Club. Some classmates live in the area and some visit the bay area from time to time. It would be great if the website is left open and the information about the luncheons published so our classmates can make plans to attend the lunches.
See you at the next lunch scheduled for December 7th.
Grant Deem
Hi Linda and all of the Committee,
You all did a terrific job organizing the 50 year reunion. It was a lot of fun and great to see so many of our friends. Where did 50 years go? Thank you for all of your hard work in making the evening so successful. -- Karen (Gray) Monroe
Hi Lynda, and to my classmates:
I want to thank you and the committee for giving all of us a wonderful 50th anniversary reunion. I find myself in awe of the quality of our class. I have reacted especially to the truly loving nature of our class. Seeing my numerous friends from early childhood like Kathy, Diane, Adda, Jerry, Jim, Marty, and many more has given me a wonderful feeling of closing the circle. I think I would have felt a lingering sadness if I hadn't seen them once more. I remain very unsettled with the absence of my dear friend, Marilyn Means. Marilyn, if you read this, I miss you more than you can imagine.
Introducing my wife, Linda, to my classmates gave me a great sense of pride. I had bragged about many of you to her for years. At last she got to meet you. She was more than impressed!
I suppose I came away from the event wishing that there had been more time to see and talk to each person. I was so eager to talk to each of you that I can't wait for the next opportunity. And, I am frustrated to have missed talking with so many of my wonderful class. There is absolutely no question that getting older has made me fonder of my many memories of Campbell High and the class of 1962. You are a wonderful group of people! --Love to all.-- Dave Buck
Thanks again to you Lynda, and the reunion committee for making possible a memorable evening. It"almost" made 1962 seem like yesterday.--
Gerry Alfinito Bishop
Dear Lynda and the entire Reunion Committee. What a great job you all did in planning such a wonderful reunion. It was so-o-o-o very much fun. Seeing so many friends and sharing old stories made each visit extremely special. Lynda, your organization and enthusiasm was terrific...thanks for all your hard work. Thank you for making it truly "a weekend to remember forever". Keep in touch, --Carolyn Flohr.
Dear 1962 Reunion Committee,
Whether or not we had party animals in our class, a great time was had by all. The collective effort put into this, possibly our final, reunion by Lynda Smith and the entire Committee was extraordinary, and the results were second to none. In addition, the events of Friday evening at the Chicken Coop and Saturday evening at the renovated Campbell High School Cafeteria provided important closure for a lot of our beloved schoolmates, including a number of guests from the classes of 1961 and 1963, and our dislocated classmates from Blackford High School. You guys and our DJ, Leroy Ward, made a true Buccaneer difference, for I can't think of a better gift to the Class of 1962. Please accept our heartfelt thanks for everything.--Craig Bradford
The committee did a great job with the reunion. Thank you so much. I had a great time and appreciated all your efforts. I was able to find my cousin from your efforts. I also was amazed at how many from Rosemary School were there. What a joy! Thanks again. Best Regards--Gail Wilder-Steward
Thank you and the committee for all your work in creating that gathering. I know how much work it is to get something like that together.
My wife was amazed that it was held in the old cafeteria. The school looked almost completely the same, can't say that for those attending! I guess we all have a few wrinkles and bags, but we still can have fun. --Bruce and Polly Patton
To the Committee:
Thank you to all of you who made our 50 year reunion such a success. We enjoyed visiting with old friends. The food was delicious, the quiz was great, the decorations, the memorabilia, the CD with our old songs, the ongoing photo show, the raffle. We won 2 prizes in the raffle. Thank God we didn't win the $75 gift certificate, or we would have to do the next reunion.
Thank you for all of your many hours of work putting this together.
John and Carol (Parysek) Yontz
The reunion was great! I think the committee did a fabulous job. Loved the red and blue balloons and the music CD. The food was delicious- just perfect!
The best part was seeing everyone- old friends and acquaintances- it was fun to talk to everyone. It is amazing to look back 50(!) years, thinking about how much we have each experienced and how we shared those high school years so along ago.
Thank you to each person on the committee who contributed so much time and energy to the reunion. (I wish I had thanked each of you personally Sat. night).
Thank you Linda for all the work you did, for the emails and terrific website. As the MC, you kept things interesting and moving along. And, thanks to Leroy for his assistance also.
Most of all thanks to everyone who came to the reunion and made it such a memorable evening!
With best wishes,--
Diane Johnson Chenoweth
Lynda, Joe, Shelley, Fred and Ray. Thanks for all your hard work. The proof was evident Saturday evening. Good turn-out and a great evening. Thank you again. -- Jack Van Sambeek
Just a quick note to thank you guys for the hard work and great job you did to make Saturday night a wonderful experience. It was great to see everyone (even if I had a hard time remembering). Felt like I was 17 again.....A sincere thank you! --
Mike Smith
All, Everything was great. Really enjoyed seeing so many neat classmates. It was a great pleasure knowing after fifty years great classmates don't change; there still fabulous on the inside and out. -- Jeff Goodere
To Lynda, Fred, Ray, and all. Thank you for your vision and hard work. Really, not many classes can pull off a reunion after everyone has dispursed for 50 years. Our attendence was fantastic, and it was great seeing so many old friends. In fact, I talked with so many people I really hadn't know very well, and wondered why we weren't better friends in high school. I guess most of us had a relatively small circle of friends we were comfortable with, and were a little shy to reach out. Well, after 50 years it just seemed like everyone was more open, friendly, and interested in what everyone else was doing. My only regrets are that some people I would have liked to see couldn't make it, and some are no longer with us. Thanks everyone for being the greatest high school class I could have ever hoped for. We were the lucky ones. --
Paul Morey
i had a wonderful cool re-establishing old friendships....i would love to have these every 12 or 24 months....50 years is now probably out of the picture at this point! It would be great to have email and phone numbers for all of us in the book so we can stay in touch with each lady's did a fine job of hosting this re-union and deserve our thanks...sincerely James Mazzeo
Great party! Tx so much for all you and the committee did. So fun catching up with everyone. -- Best, Adda Quinn
Thanks again for the great reunion that you and your committee put together! It exceeded my expectations. It was great to see so many of my old friends again. -- Don Chamberlin